বাংলাদেশে প্রতিনিয়ত হিন্দু নিপীড়নের প্রতিবেদন – নভেম্বর ২০২২ – Bangladesh Hindu persecution report for Nov 22

বাংলাদেশে প্রতিনিয়ত হিন্দু নির্যাতনের ঘটনা ঘটছে। নভেম্বর মাসেও এই চিত্র খুব একটা বদলায়নি। নভেম্বর মাসজুড়ে দেশের বিভিন্ন স্থানে সংখ্যালঘু হিন্দু ও আদিবাসী সম্প্রদায়ের ওপর ব্যাপক হামলা, লুটপাট, ভাঙচুর, অপহরণ, হত্যা, ধর্ষণের চেষ্টা এবং জোরপূর্বক ইসলাম ধর্ম গ্রহণের ঘটনা ঘটেছে। এই প্রতিবেদনটি নভেম্বর মাসে বাংলাদেশে সংখ্যালঘু হিন্দু এবং আদিবাসী সম্প্রদায়ের উপর সংঘটিত নৃশংসতার তালিকা তৈরি করার একটি প্রচেষ্টা।

Incidents of Hindu torture are happening continuously in Bangladesh. This picture has not yet changed much in November month. Throughout the month of November, there have been massive attacks, looting, vandalism, abduction, killing, rape attempt, and forced conversion to Islam in various parts of the country on the minority Hindus and indigenous communities. This report is an attempt to list the atrocities committed against minority Hindu and indigenous communities in Bangladesh during the month of November.

Incidents of Hindu torture are happening continuously in Bangladesh. This picture has not yet changed much in November month. Throughout the month of November, there have been massive attacks, looting, vandalism, abduction, killing, rape attempt, and forced conversion to Islam in various parts of the country on the minority Hindus and indigenous communities. This report is an attempt to list the atrocities committed against minority Hindu and indigenous communities in Bangladesh during the month of November.

Hindu Persecutions in Bangladesh during November month.

Incident 1.

Dinajpur: Unknown miscreants behead Ma Kali- Shiva Vigraha

On Friday, November 4, unidentified miscreants took away the heads of Ma Kali and Shiva Vigraha from a puja mandap in Khamarpara village of Khansama Upazila of Dinajpur district, Bangladesh. A case was prepared against unidentified persons for allegedly hurting religious sentiments in this incident.

Vandalized Ma Kali Vigraha in Dinajpur.

Incident 2.

Dhaka: Communal incitement promoted through HSC question paper

Controversy arose over the question paper of the HSC Bangla First Paper exam in Bangladesh. Allegations were made that the designed question paper hurt religious sensitivities. Prominent people said that this is a form of religious incitement. One of the questions in this paper was, “Nepal and Gopal are two brothers. They have been in dispute over land for a long time. Despite many arbitrations, no one could resolve their dispute. No one is willing to make concessions. Now the case regarding the distribution of the land is going on in court. The younger brother, Nepal, sells a part of the land of Bhit to a Muslim named Abdul to discipline the elder brother. Abdul built a house there and started living there permanently. He sacrifices a cow in front of Nepal’s house on Eid al-Adha. This incident broke the heart of Nepal. After a few days, he went to India with his family without telling anyone.”

The Controversial question paper of HSC.

Incident 3.

Comilla: Ma Kali Vigraha vandalized by unknown miscreants

There was a land dispute over the land of the “Darora Sri Sri Shamshan Kali” temple in Ward No. 1 of Darora Union No. 19, Muradnagar Police Station, Comilla District, Bangladesh. Just seven days ago, the temple committee had appealed to the Comilla Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent of Police, and Muradnagar Upazila Nirbahi Officer to solve this problem. On the late night of November 5, 2022, unknown miscreants entered the temple and vandalized the vigraha of Maa Kali.

Vandalized Ma Kali Vigraha in Comilla.

Incident 4.

Khulna: Hindu woman beheaded after being trapped in Love Jihad

A Hindu woman named Kavita Rani was brutally killed after being caught in the trap of love jihad. Her dismembered body was recovered from a rented house in the Sonadanga Thana area of ​​the Khulna metropolis in Bangladesh. RAB-6 confirmed the identity of Kavita Rani on Monday (November 7). The deceased Hindu woman Kavita Rani is the daughter of Kalipad Bachar of the Kuter Bill area of ​​Satkhira Ashashuni. RAB arrested the killer Abu Bakkar in this incident. 

Arrested Love Jihadi Abu Bakkar.

Incident 5.

Naogaon: Bangladeshi Judge calls Hindus ‘Malaun’

Bangladeshi Islamists often mock India whenever they get a chance. This year also, Bangladeshi Islamists started mocking India for the Cricket World Cup. A Bangladeshi youth named Ehteshamul Imran made a Facebook post on November 10 at around 5 p.m. mocking India using a happy emoji following India’s loss to England in the semi-finals of the T20 Cricket World Cup. He wrote, “India says Chere de Ma, Kede bachi.” Lose by 10 wickets!

Accused Bangladeshi Judge and his comment.

This time, the controversy didn’t rise for Ehteshamul’s Facebook post. In the comments of that post, a Bangladeshi Judge commented, “I got a lot of peace.” It feels good when the “Malaun” loses. Anweshan News has verified the information and found evidence that the commenter’s ID belongs to this Judge. It should be mentioned that the “Malaun” word is used by Islamists to mark and abuse the Hindu community. The word is derived from the Arabic “ملعون”, meaning “accursed” or “deprived of God’s Mercy”, and in modern times, it is used as an ethnic slur by the Islamists in West Bengal and Bangladesh region for Hindus.

Incident 6.

Kushtia: Attack on Lalon Bhakts for allegedly playing music, 5 injured

An attack took place on the saints after they gathered at the house of a Lalon Bhakt in the Laubaria area of Daulatpur in the Kushtia district of Bangladesh. At least five people were injured in this attack. The injured are being treated at the Daulatpur Upazila Health Complex. The attack took place on November 5.

Injured Lalon Bhakt in Kushtia.

Incident 7.

Naogaon: Altaf gang destroyed 60 bighas paddy of indigenous people

In Patnitola Upazila of Naogaon district of Bangladesh, the miscreants of the local Altaf gang destroyed about 60 bighas of Aman paddy farmed by indigenous sharecroppers by spraying herbicides. Paddy worth about 30 lakh taka was destroyed in this incident. The affected indigenous farmers had become disoriented due to the loss of paddy land.

Destroyed paddy in Naogaon.

Incident 8.

Lalmonirhat: 200-year-old Shiva temple attacked, vandalized and looted

Unidentified miscreants attacked the Sarvajanin Shiva Mandir in the Teesta Bazar area of Gokunda Union of Lalmonirhat Sadar Upazila on 18th November. The miscreants vandalized the Shiva Linga and looted money from the donation box of the temple. Expressing their anger, the local Sanatani people demanded the arrest of the culprits.

Vandalized Shiva Temple.

The local Hindus said that the temple is about 200 years old. The next morning, the devotees found that the three Shiva Lingas and Trishuls of the temple had been vandalized, and the money from the donation box had been looted by unidentified miscreants. After that, when the incident became known, the Sanatani people from around came and gathered at the temple.

Incident 9.

Khulna: Hindu house attacked, vandalized and looted in movie-style

On Wednesday, November 16, a Hindu family was ambushed in filmy style in Dumuria, Khulna, and their homestead, kitchen, cowshed, paddy shed, and all their furniture were vandalized and looted. This incident happened like the 1971 Pakistani atrocities at the house of Bikash Nandi in Sikdarpara village of Gutudia Union of the Upazila at around 11 a.m. on Wednesday. Aranghata police station had arrested the mastermind of this incident, Tuku, from the Deyana area.

Vandalized and Looted Hindu house in Khulna.

Incident 10.

Tangail: Hindu houses and shrines vandalized by AL leader

10 members of a minority Hindu family were injured in an attack by a Jubo League leader over a land dispute in Bhuyapur, Tangail district, Bangladesh. A few Vigrahas in their house were vandalized. Four of the injured Hindus were treated at Bhuyapur Upazila Health Complex. The attack took place on the house of Subhash Ghosh and Pradeep Ghosh of Ghoshpara in the Koshtapara area of the Upazila on Friday morning (18th November). Accused Jubo League leader Khorshed Alam is the former president of Gobindasi Union Jubo League, which is the political youth wing of the ruling party Awami League in Bangladesh.

Vandalized Hindu house in Tangail.

Incident 11.

Jhenaidah: AL leader caught red-handed while attempting to rape Hindu woman

Swecchasebak League leader Mizanur Rahman was caught by the locals while forcibly trying to rape a Hindu woman of the minority community in Kaliganj of the Jhenaidah district of Bangladesh. At that time, local Hindus caught him naked and tied him to a tree. After receiving the information, the police went to the spot, rescued him, and took him to the police station.

Accused Rapist AL leader Mizanur Rahman.

The incident took place at Daspara in Alaipur village of the Upazila around 11:30 p.m. on Sunday (November 27). In this incident, the victim, a Hindu woman, filed a case at the Kaliganj police station that night. The police arrested Mizanur Rahman in that case. The accused, Mizanur Rahman, is the son of Moksed Ali of Alaipur village in the Upazila and the former president of No. 1 Sundarpur-Durgapur Union Swecchasebak League.

Incident 12.

Sunamganj: Hindu family ostracized by panchayat for not selling land

Nine Hindu families were evicted for not following the decision of the Panchayat of Jamalganj in the Sunamganj district of Bangladesh. These Hindu families are left homeless due to persecution by the local panchayat. The victimized Hindu families approached the law, but the police did not help. As a result, the victim, Bharat Chandra Talukdar, and his relatives are currently homeless. It was alleged that the family of Bharat Chandra Talukdar had been ostracised for not selling the land to the local panchayat.

Victim Hindu family’s house in Sunamganj.

The family of the victim, Bharat Chandra Talukdar, alleged that the local panchayat was repeatedly pressuring their family to sell the land. The victim Bharat’a family did not want to sell their family land to the panchayat. As a result, the local panchayat kept them in solitary confinement at the society.

Incident 13.

Mymensingh: Former Chairman grabbing Hindu lands using antisocials

Former Chairman of Bhaluka Upazila Parishad Golam Mostafa and his family are at the top of the land grabbing of minority Hindus in Bhaluka of Mymensingh district in Bangladesh.

Accused Chairman Golam Mostafa.

Victimized local minority Hindus alleged that the Mustafa family has become addicted to taking the land of the minority Hindus in various ways. Also, there are many allegations against former Upazila chairman Golam Mostafa of embezzling lakhs of takas from various poor Hindu families. Golam Mostafa is the son-in-law of the daughter of Sirajuddin Khan alias Suruj Khan, a registered Razakar of Bhaluka Upazila.

Incident 14.

Savar: Hindu minor girl abducted by Love Jihadi, rescued later by Hindu activists

A Hindu minor girl was rescued after being abducted by Love Jihadists. It was known that on November 27, the victim Hindu minor was abducted by local Love Jihadist Mohammad Jahangir Rahman alias Ullas. The abducted girl (15) was finally rescued with the help of Savar police and several local Hindu activists. From the copy of the FIR filed by Mrs. Karmakar, it was known that for quite some time local Love Jihadist Mohammad Jahangir Rahman was giving various kinds of nasty proposals to her daughter. Her daughter was abducted on her way to Sri Sri Jagat Bandhu Mandir on the 27th as she did not agree to Mohammad Jahangir’s nasty proposal.

Rescued Hindu girl and the rescuing team.

Incident 15.

Dhaka: Hindu family emigrates to escape from Islamist attacks

Violence against Hindus in Bangladesh is not new. However, the number of Islamist hate attacks on the Hindu community has increased recently in Bangladesh. The family of Pintu Lal Das, a minority Hindu, was forced to leave their residential address in the face of direct and indirect threats and attacks for the past 7 years. It is believed that they were forced to take refuge in India. The family of Pintu Lal Das had reportedly been subjected to hate attacks by Islamists several times.

Incident 16.

Manikganj: 200-year-old Hindu temple vandalized

A 200-year-old Hindu temple in central Bangladesh’s Chandair area of ​​Garhpara Union in Manikganj District had been vandalized by unknown miscreants. According to a report dated 20th November from the local police station’s officer-in-charge Abdur Rouf, the information was confirmed. The report claims that Maa Kali & Padma vigrahas from the temple were discovered in desecrated condition alongside the road.

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